How to design and style modern for Malaysia resident house?



living area design

dining area design

kitchen design

kitchen design

kitchen design

bedroom design

bedroom design

bedroom design

MG Designer

Exterior and Interior Design

Why do you need to hire me as your Interior Designer?

The reason is me able to help you to avoid costly mistakes.

1.   You are going to save time and money which can increase the value of your home
2.   You are going to get professional assessment and to have a qualified liaison because Professional interior designers like me did go to school and had several apprenticeships to do what I do. A good designer will know how to speak the language when it comes to architects, contractors, and building owners. This is crucial in managing time and money. Strong communication between the interior design and the lighting, furnishing, and architecture is absolutely key.
3.   You are going to have better resources and contacts. Everyone knows it’s difficult to find good resources. But designers already work in the world of home improvement, so I am going to have reliable connections that you may need.
4.   You are going to keep you on budget and planning and effort.
5.    You’re going to have wow factor. Interior designers are trained to think creatively and spatially and learn to see an overall picture that clients often cannot

A professional interior designer will create custom-designed pieces to make sure everything fits perfectly and is truly special to your home. Designers can also get you certain furniture, fabric, and materials that are trade-only and not accessible to everyone else. People notice a well-designed home. Try to do it by yourself, and you’re stuck juggling the many elements that go into designing that a designer is specifically trained to do. And when they’re done, not only will your home look beautiful and cohesive, but it’ll be well thought out and highly functional.

What are you waiting for?

I specialize in transforming your ideas and dreams into living or working areas which utilize the available space to the maximum and provide dynamic interiors. I will effectively participate in projects from the initial concepts, design and construction drawings, furniture and decorative item selections, decorative material selections, budgeting and project coordination. I am providing exceptional customer service and execute our projects with professionalism along with expert project management skills.

Interior Design Service Including is as following:

1.      Space planning

2.      Furniture designs

3.      False ceiling designs

4.      Colour consultation

5.      Wall panelling

6.      Light positions


Design Consultant | Exterior Design | Residential Design | Commercial Design | Exhibition Booth Design 

Interior Design

Interior Design is the process of design the interior, a room of the building; also manages including conceptual development, communicating with the stakeholder of a project. Interior Design also uses by colour, texture, lighting, materials, paint and style to create the look and feel of the interior space with including several things like furniture and accessories.

The kitchen is a room used for cooking and food preparation in a dwelling or in a commercial establishment with stove, sink, refrigerator, counter, microwave oven, and dishwasher. There have few common kitchen forms by a single-fire kitchen, the double-fire kitchen, the L-kitchen, the U-kitchen, the G-kitchen, the block kitchen (or island) and others. There have different home furniture to decoration by materials, lighting, accessories, furniture, style, colours, and patterns.

Dining Area
Dining Area is for consuming food, it is usually adjacent to the kitchen for convenience in serving. The Dining Area is furnished with a rather large dining table and chairs with the most common shapes with square, rectangular and round. There have different home furniture to decoration by materials, lighting, accessories, furniture, style, colours, and patterns.

In a bedroom contains with home furniture like beds, clothes closet, nightstand, dressing table, lighting, accessories, curtains, cushion, furniture, style, colours, and patterns. The bed will range from different size like the small twin bed, twin bed, king size bed, bunk bed. The bedroom will always style with cozy and comfortable it is because it’s for the sleeping environment. Sleep is a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right time and environment can help protect mental health, physical health, quality of life and safety.

Walk In Wardrobe
Walk In Wardrobe will fit as partition off the side of a bedroom and design to maximize every last millimetre of space and can include a range of clever storage solution to suit needed and specifications.

Colour impressions in this project

White - Simplicity, Purity, and Cleanliness
The colour white affects the mind and body by aiding in mental clarity, promoting feelings of fresh beginnings and renewal, assisting in cleansing, clearing obstacles and clutter, and encouraging the purification of thoughts and actions. 

Brown - Natural, Friendly, and Neutral

The colour brown relates to quality in everything - a comfortable home, the best food and drink and loyal companionship. It is a colour of physical comfort, simplicity and quality. Brown is friendly and welcoming. It is loyal, trustworthy and reliable, in a practical and realistic way.

Grey - Neutral, Balanced, and Calm

Grey is controlled. It has a steadying effect on other colours with which it comes into contact, toning down the stronger and brighter colours and illuminating the softer colours. It will never be in the canter of attention, the dynamic leader or the director – it’s too safe and dimmed for that. Grey can strangle and suppress energy, but it also provides a stable base, that can contribute with new and positive energy.

Black - Powerful, Classy, and Expensive

The colour black affects the mind and body by helping to create an inconspicuous feeling, boosting confidence in appearance, increasing the sense of potential and possibility, or producing feelings of emptiness, gloom, or sadness. Black is the colour of the hidden, the mysterious and the unknown. It creates a sense of mystery and keeps things to itself, hidden from the rest of the world. In colour psychology, the colour black relates to protection against emotional stress. It creates a barrier between itself and the outside world. It provides comfort while it protects its feelings and hides its vulnerability, insecurity and lack of confidence.

Software used in this project: AutoCAD | 3DS Max | Adobe Photoshop

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ps: check my latest 360 Paranormal VR Interior Design Video on YouTube:

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